Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


BAJUS set to celebrate 59th founding anniversary on July 19

News Desk |
Update: 2024-07-16 16:35:24
BAJUS set to celebrate 59th founding anniversary on July 19

Bangladesh Jeweller’s Association (BAJUS) is set to celebrate its 59th founding anniversary on July 19.

BAJUS, the country's largest and most renowned jewellery trade organisation, has pioneered promoting and nurturing the jewellery industry since its establishment.

The theme for this year's celebration is "Let there be a touch of technology in jewellery," a testament to the association's commitment to the growth and sustainability of the sector in Bangladesh.

A reunion and cultural programme will be held at the Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Convention Hall at Minto Road in Shahbagh of the capital.

BAJUS President Sayem Sobhan Anvir has already issued an invitation letter for the event. 

The founding anniversary of BAJUS will be celebrated as it is an occasion to appreciate the craftsmanship, tradition, and economic significance of the jewellery industry in Bangladesh.

BDST: 1635 HRS, JULY 16, 2024

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