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Jolie, Lansbury, Martin, Tosi to accept Oscars

Entertainment Desk |
Update: 2013-11-17 03:28:37
Jolie, Lansbury, Martin, Tosi to accept Oscars

DHAKA: For Angelina Jolie, Steve Martin, Angela Lansbury and costume designer Piero Tosi, Saturday night is Oscar night.

The four will accept Oscar statuettes at the film academy’s Governors Awards ceremony at Hollywood & Highland Center, where they’ll be feted by the likes of Anthony Hopkins and Tom Hanks in front of an audience entertainment elite.

Jolie will receive the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, while the others will accept honorary Academy Awards for their distinguished careers.

‘Receiving the Hersholt award makes me feel like I am on the right path but also reminds me I have more to do,’ Jolie told media this past week, reports The Strait Times.

BDST: 1330 HRS, NOV 17, 2013

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