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Sanjay released for 2 weeks

Entertainment Desk |
Update: 2013-10-01 07:49:27
Sanjay released for 2 weeks

DHAKA: Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt was temporarily released Tuesday from an Indian prison where he is serving time for illegal possession of weapons linked to the 1993 terror attack in the financial capital of Mumbai.

The 54-year-old actor said he would spend his two weeks of leave, granted by prison authorities for good behaviour, at home with his family.

‘I am a law-abiding citizen,’ he told reporters after leaving Yerawada Central Jail in Pune, a city near Mumbai, according to The Straits Times.

‘I will go back at the given time.’

Dutt became popular for his Hindi film roles as a reformed thug who follows the teachings of pacifist freedom fighter Mohandas Gandhi.

According to industry estimates, he is currently involved in projects worth at least US$20 million.

BDST: 1738 HRS, OCT 01, 2013

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