Sunday, 30 Jun, 2024


Rare bilingual inscription unearthed in Saudi Arabia

International Desk  |
Update: 2024-06-27 10:46:38
Rare bilingual inscription unearthed in Saudi Arabia Recent archaelologican find demonstrates the historical coexistence of Thamudic in the Arabian Peninsula, says Saudi Heritage Commission.

The Saudi Heritage Commission has announced the discovery of a bilingual inscription in Tabuk.

The piece, found during an archaeological dig in the village of Alqan, comprises two lines in Thamudic script and one in early Arabic, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Wednesday.

The style of the characters suggests the piece dates from the 5th century.

The commission said the find demonstrated the historical coexistence of Thamudic and early Arabic and illuminated the evolution of ancient writing systems in the Arabian Peninsula.

It represents a significant addition to the commission’s collection of ancient Arabic inscriptions and writings and aligns with its ongoing efforts to study, document, preserve and promote archaeological sites across the Kingdom.

Such work underscores Saudi Arabia’s commitment to protecting and showcasing its rich cultural heritage.

Source: Arab News   

BDST: 1046 HRS, JUNE 27, 2024

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