Friday, 27 Sep, 2024


Salahuddin won’t contest in upcoming BFF election 

Senior Correspondent  |
Update: 2024-09-14 18:00:17
Salahuddin won’t contest in upcoming BFF election 

Bangladesh Football Federation President Kazi Salahuddin said on Saturday that he would not seek a fifth term as president of the football federation.

"I was with you for four terms. I have decided not to run for a fifth term. It is my personal decision and my final decision," Salahuddin announced during an impromptu press briefing in the afternoon.

The former star footballer took over as the BFF president in 2008 and has since served four consecutive terms.

It was the first time since the fall of the Awami League government on 5 August that Salahuddin had come to his office. He had earlier expressed his desire to seek a fifth term.

Salahuddin added that they had asked FIFA to consider deferring the BFF elections from 26 October.  The world football's governing body has yet to give consent.

BDST: 1800 HRS, SEPT 14, 2024

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