Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Return looted weapons by Sept 3: Police HQ

News Desk |
Update: 2024-09-01 12:31:04
Return looted weapons by Sept 3: Police HQ

The police headquarters today (Sept 1) directed to return all arms and ammunition looted from police stations during the recent violence by September 3 (Tuesday).

This directive follows the interim government's earlier decision on 26 August to suspend the firearms licences issued to all civilians during the 15-and-a-half years of the Awami League government.

Civilians holding such licenced firearms have been instructed to surrender to their respective police stations by Tuesday.

Police officials have stated that an all-out drive to recover any remaining firearms will start on Thursday.

BDST: 1230 HRS, SEP 1, 2024

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