Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Dr Yunus to join 79th UN General Assembly

Diplomatic Correspondent  |
Update: 2024-09-01 17:01:47
Dr Yunus to join 79th UN General Assembly

Chief Adviser Professor Muhammad Yunus will attend the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York this month, said foreign adviser Foreign Affairs Adviser Md Touhid Hossain today (Sep 1).
Replying to a question, he also said, “I will be visiting chief adviser in this regard.”

He also told reporters that, “If I could visit Washington along with chief adviser maybe we could finish some task there. However, it’s a very short trip Dr. Yunus will be back soon after attending the session.” 

When asked regarding chief adviser’s visit to United States, he said, “I will soon clear”

When asked whether the chief adviser will meet with anyone in the United States, the Foreign Affairs Adviser also indicated that Yunus may participate in a limited number of sideline meetings while in New York.

BDST: 1701 HRS, SEP 1, 2024

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