Saturday, 28 Sep, 2024


DMP fines Tk 23.24 lakh for traffic rules violation

Staff Correspondent  |
Update: 2024-09-28 16:30:39
DMP fines Tk 23.24 lakh for traffic rules violation

Dhaka Metropolitan Police's (DMP) Traffic Division filed 633 cases and realized Taka 23.24 lakh as fine in a single day across the capital for violating the city's traffic rules.

According to a DMP statement issued today, the cases were filed, and the fines imposed on September 27 during the ongoing drive against traffic rule violations.

During the drive, 161 vehicles were impounded, and 33 others were towed for violating traffic rules.

The DMP release also said these drives will continue to bring discipline to Dhaka's streets.

BDST: 1630 HRS, SEPT 28, 2024

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