Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Gazi put on 6-day remand

News Desk |
Update: 2024-08-25 19:26:38
Gazi put on 6-day remand

A court in Narayanganj on Sunday placed former textiles and jute minister Golam Dastagir Gazi on a six-day remand in a case filed over killing school student Roman in Rupganj upazila.

Senior Judicial Magistrate Kazi Mohsin passed the order after the police produced him before the court this afternoon.

Earlier, Gazi was arrested from his residence in Shantinagar of the capital on Saturday (August 24) night. He was hiding in a close relative's house to avoid arrest. A team of DB police arrested him from there.

BDST: 1926 HRS, AUGUST 25, 2024

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