Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Menon put on 6-day remand

News Desk |
Update: 2024-08-27 18:54:24
Menon put on 6-day remand

A Dhaka court today (August 27) remanded Workers Party of Bangladesh President Rashed Khan Menon, also a former minister, in a murder case.

Metropolitan Magistrate Saifur Rahman put Menon on a six-day remand in a case filed over the killing of garment worker Rubel at Adabor in the capital.

The Workers Party chief was produced before the court today after the expiry of the five-day remand in the businessman Abdul Wadud murder case.

Menon, also a leader of the 14-party alliance led by the former ruling party Awami League, was shown arrested again in the Rubel murder case and the investigating officer, in a petition, sought 10 days to interrogate him.

On 22 August, detectives arrested him in the Gulshan area.

BDST: 1853 HRS, AUGUST 27, 2024

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